These are the following steps required to get an account fully on board to ShipEarly. The parts your company does is section A, ShipEarly in section B has its own approval process to verify the account in question is not a duplicate and has accurate information for setup.
Account Creation Flow
1) Account registers on your {subdomain}
2A) Account gets an automated registration email from you confirming account creation. This email template is editable by you and typically states that the account is under review pending approval by your company. At this point the account will appear for you to configure on your dashboard on the retailers tab.
2B) Account is under review by ShipEarlyA(for accuracy/duplicates, etc.) and also simultaneously under review by RockyB
3A) After your company approves the account, they are sent an approval email indicating they have been accepted. This is done after you have set a pricing tier to the account and slid them to connected as a status. The approval email is also editable by you.
3B) ShipEarly manually reviews each account that registers to make sure there are no duplicates, address information is legitimate, can set store hours, and tax rates as need be. Upon approval the retailer will receive an activation email from ShipEarly. This guarantees they are able to receive our emails in their inbox.
Cannot complete step 4 until both steps in 3 are completed meaning your company has approved and the account has clicked on the activation link.
4) After account activation from clicking on the email the account can login and place orders or setup their inventory/Stripe accounts.
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