February 2025
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Sales Rep Reports: Sales reps will now have the ability to see Retail & Wholesale Sales by product, Month, and Retailer. Plus they get online statistics around product views.
Product Tab Filter: The product tab has new filters to allow you to quickly sort and find products by category, variant option, or stock in addition to product status. This allows you to export product details for editing easier/quicker and with fewer SKUs.
Multi-Line Discounts: You can now have more complex discounts in one code. 10% off some items and 25% off others all in one program.
Online to Offline Commerce
Custom Domains: You can now have custom checkout domains for your ShipEarly checkout removing the shipearlyapp.com and using your brand.com domain
Auto Add Y: On Buy X, Get Y promotions you can now automatically add Y onto the cart for consumers when creating an automatic discount code. Just select Auto Add Y.
B2B Commerce
Variant Sort on Catalog: Dealers, Reps, and Brands can now search by variant option to discover and buy products.
Payment Term Qualifiers: You can offer terms to select accounts based on either Quantity or $ value criteria when buying on Account. These terms become eligible if dealers hit the criteria while building B2B orders.
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