Giving consumers the convenience of online with the service of a local dealer is a great way to improve customer loyalty of both dealers and consumers. With installs consumers can conveniently purchase from your website right from a local dealer, meaning the service and credit card charge is placing your installer as the seller of record.
To make a specific product eligible for installation:
- Click on Products Tab
- Under the Action Column, hover over the blue button and click Edit Product
- Assign an Installation time greater than zero to make the product eligible for install
- Click Update
Note: Product installation can be calculated in a variety of ways including hourly rate, by product, or per order as determined in your Shipment Settings.
Add or Adjust Bulk Install Times
To adjust multiple product install times on products you can use the product export/import feature in table format.
To Bulk Adjust Install Times:
- Login to ShipEarly
- Click on Products
- Click Export at the bottom of the page to obtain a copy of your products.
- In the file an installation time column is available. Enter the proper install time for each product.
- Save your file in the same format and with the same column order
- On the Products Tab within ShipEarly, click Import and select the file
You will receive a confirmation message that the file upload was successful.
For the option to show on checkout in a given area to be available to consumers, you must enable retailers to perform installs on the Retailer tab.
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