Welcome to ShipEarly and thanks for taking the time to obtain a quick tour. Below you will get a better understanding of what each of the tabs on ShipEarly does when navigating.
The Dashboard is your activity center where any outstanding items or to-do's reside. Such actions include:
- Need to Confirm Pop-Ups which let you know which item is outstanding waiting for dealer confirmation as to whether they have stock or not
- Dealer Orders which are wholesale requests when a dealer is out of stock. There are two separate phases:
- Confirm Pricing - Upon confirming pricing we know how to split money on an order between you are your dealer to deposit funds into bank accounts.
- Enter Shipment Tracking - If you do not automatically trigger shipping, you will have to manually enter shipment tracking info or ship without tracking to advance orders to 'Not Picked Up' status and notify retailers and consumers the order has been shipped from your warehouse.
The Products tab is where you activate products or configure them for install, assembly, white glove delivery, plus assign wholesale pricing for items. Commission rates can also be set on the product page in addition to how you want to sell items directly to consumers.
The Orders tab is the place where all historical orders reside and the ability to edit, refund, or lookup orders placed with your retailers or directly with you.
The wholesale tab is the destination to track B2B order placements when your retailers or dealers are out of stock or place purchase orders with you. On this page you can lookup orders by date, retailer, or SKU, plus keep track of shipment status.
The Inventory tab allows you to view participating retailers stock levels by SKU. We also include how many units by warehouse have been sold/reserved plus your warehouse inventory quantity to get an accurate picture as to how many units are available for sale.
The Retailers tab is where your company can manage the relationships you have with a dealer by including specific tiered pricing and various permissions to set including Dealer Protect, Installs, Delivery Distance, and view individual participating retailer inventory. Wholesale credit limits can also be assigned in this view on a retailer basis.
The Customers tab lists all end consumer information and purchase histories, including last order, whether or not they agree to receive marketing communications, and customer lifetime value.
The Discounts tab is where discounts are reviewed, tracked, and managed.
The Reports tab is your information center that summarizes product, retailer, and opportunity data for your company to leverage in making strategic decisions.
The Help tab takes you to our Support Center and Knowledge base to self serve based on past articles or common customer support items. If something is missing, please do not hesitate to contact support@shipearly.com for us to assist.
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